This blog begins with basic concepts, and branches out from there. Some of the posts are a continuation of an earlier post, or may somewhat modify the content of another posting through the introduction of other concepts for which the necessary groundwork is now laid. Consequently, you will comprehend best by starting with the oldest posts; for the convenience of those who have been with me from the beginning, the newest posts are listed first. Feel free, of course, to read in any manner you choose, forward, backward, or sideways!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Posting is going to be sporadic from here on out; in case anyone still wants to send poems, they can now be sent to


True Religion is the worship of God; the fullness of this true worship is in the Orthodox Church. I do not mean to characterize all other religions as False; most contain some truth, are partly oriented in the direction of true worship, and have people in them who are true worshipers of God to the extent that they know Him.

I characterize as false religion which is oriented in the opposite direction of the worship of the True God. This religion is involved in the worship of Earth, or of human experience, emotional or intellectual. Humanism, Pantheism, Panentheism, Deism, and all of the various forms of Gnosticism involve the worship of false gods, not just the incomplete worship of the True God. This false worship today insinuates itself in all the forms of religious practice; this is the religion of the World, not the worship of the God beyond all worlds. Wherever God, even if He is believed in, is regarded as an object of utility toward a secondary purpose, here false religion rears its head.

Humanity is the image before which we today are most frequently required to burn incense; but what is Humanity for? If it seems to any that this is a question that doesn't need to be asked, they are then identified as adherents of false religion, no matter what religion they consciously espouse; only Deity may exist to no other end.